Maybe you have been to Northern Tier before or maybe you just stumbled upon us through the giant web of the internet. Either way, you have found the home for BSA High Adventure in the Northwoods and we are very excited to share it with you! To welcome you to our Blog we think it might be best to share a little bit about what we do here in our little corner of North East Minnesota
Our mission at Northern tier is “to provide wilderness adventures that last a lifetime” and we do that through many different backcountry trips into the boreal forest known as the Northwoods. Our program at Northern Tier is focused on backcountry travel through these great Northwoods in the summer and winter.
Each season brings its own challenges and adventures that scouts from across the country get the chance to experience through our program. We are best known for our canoeing trips where scouts can come up to one of our 3 bases and venture out into the backcountry for 5-14 days with one of our staff members. With the three bases and 5 parks we travel through scouts have endless options for trips and adventures through our summer canoe program. Scouts can paddle on the Historical voyager’s highway which was the trail at the heart of the Canadian fur trade that is now the U.S. Canadian Border. They could come up for 2 weeks through our order of the arrow program and maintain portage trails that are thousands of years old. Scouts looking for the highest level of adventure can even take a Float Plane from our Bissett base into the middle of the wilderness where they start their trips. These are just a couple of the incredible summer adventures that we offer Scouts BSA
In the winter the canoes get covered up and the paddles get traded in for ski poles as we transform our Canoe base into the primer winter program for Scouts BSA. We literally wrote the book on cold weather camping for Scouts BSA through our Okpik program and now we send hundreds of scout crews into the great white north to put those skills into practice. In our Okpik program scouts get the opportunity to go on multi-night trips sleeping out on the frozen lakes and traveling through the snowy landscape. They can even get the chance to meet working sled dogs and watch them doing what they love. For those crews that get signed up for our mushing treks or camps, they get to learn what it’s like working and living with sled dogs in the north.
We do appreciate you taking the time to learn a little more about Northern Tier and we hope you stick around as we put out even more exciting content on the blog. We love sharing our corner of the world with people and are thrilled we have another way to do so!